How to get battery for GERMID rear view mirror
Each iMirror rear view mirror is equipped with special cable, one is to connect GERMID rear view mirror, another is to ACC, B+, GND and video input connectors. ACC and B+ need to get battery from car fuse box.

How to install the wire harness of Germid smart Rear
View Mirror in an Automobile
For most of cars the method of connecting wire is same(Remark:except the special cars), but because of the complex process, we suggest that you'd better to ask the professional operator for help because they are more professional,so it would be easier for them and take less time.

Step 1 : Firstly taking the original interior car rear view mirror off form windshield

Different vehicles may with different detaching interior rearview mirror method. So if it with a cover pls remove the cover first and take down screw from bracket, then take mirror down carefully and unplug the original power wire. Pls do not scratch windscreen and interior trim panels.
Step 2 : Take apart sealing strap of driver-side door and trim panel

To take apart sealing strap first and then trim panel
Step 3: Then try to find out ACC and BAT fuse carefully from car

Open the fuse box, and detect the BAT with a test pencil before start up car, and then start up car to detect ACC and make sure it safety.
Step 4 : Arrange the wiring and pass it through fuse box

Connect the wiring harness to fuse box and pass it through door trim, pls adjust the distance of wire to make sure it could be connect with rearview mirror and not surplus. All the wiring shall be covered in door trim.
Step 5 : Connect the wires to BAT and ACC correspondently

Connect Germid mirror’s ACC red wire to ACC fuse box, and place BAT yellow wire to BAT fuse box. The ACC red wire and BAT yellow wire may not the same color in fuse box. Pls refer to the test result with test pencil. After finishing wiring. Reinsert fuse box back. Finally, connect the black ground wire GND.
Step 6: Install GERMID smart rear view mirror on windshield and then power it

After finishing wiring the harness, please replace the factory mirror with Germid mirror. Connect the power wire and microphone wire. Start the car to check if wiring is OK.
Step 7: Finally hide all the wiring harness carefully into the cover of car body

After harness is installed, please hide all the wiring harness. Use cable tie to fasten the harness. Do not forget to remove spare part of cable tie.
Step 8: Recover the door trim and sealing strip gradually.

Then use plastic cover to cover the mirror bracket.
Step 9: Full test if car and rearview mirror function well.
Start your car,then check all the functions such as the car dashboard to ensure they work normally. When rearview mirror display the interface UI normally,it means instal successfully.And test our rearview mirror to insure the mirror work normally.